Computer Science
Anna Angeluccia, Vittorio Bilò, Michele Flamminia and Luca Moscardelli
On the Sequential Price of Anarchy of Isolation Games
Davide Bilò and Vittorio Bilò
New Bounds for the Balloon Popping Problem
Vittorio Bilò and Marios Mavronicolas
The Complexity of Decision Problems about Nash Equilibria in Win-Lose Games
Vittorio Bilò, Michele Flammini, and Luca Moscardelli
The Price of Stability for Undirected Broadcast Network Design with Fair Cost Allocation is Constant
Vittorio Bilò
A Unifying Tool for Bounding the Quality of Non-Cooperative Solutions in Weighted Congestion Games
Vittorio Bilò, Michele Flammini, Gianpiero Monaco, and Luca Moscardelli
Some Anomalies of Farsighted Strategic Behavior
G. Co', F. Paparella and D. Dell'Anna Editors