
General Information
Talks at Conferences and Workshops

  1. A.A. Albanese: "Mean ergodic C0–semigroups of operators in locally convex spaces" Integration", Vector Measures and Related Topics , Palermo  Agosto 2012
  2. Alemanno E, Caricato A, Chiodini G, Cirrone GAP, Cuttone G, Dangelo P, De Napoli M, Dinardo M, Fiore G, Kwan S, Leone A, Malvezzi S, Martino M, Menasce D, Moroni L, Pedrini P, Perrino R, Pinto C, Rivera R, Randazzo N, Sipala V, Spagnolo S, Tuve C, Uplegger L. Radiation damage of polycrystalline diamond exposed to 62 MeV proton beam. 9th International Conference on Radiation effects on Semiconductor Materials Detectors and Devices. October 9-12, Florence Italy 
  3. M. Beccaria, G. Macorini, C. Ratti [speaker] and S.Valatka,  Semiclassical energy of the $AdS_4 \times \mathbb{CP}^3$ folded string,''20th International Colloquium on Integrable Systems and Quantum Symmetries (ISQS-20) : Prague, Czech Republic, June 17-23, 2012
  4. M.Beccaria, G.Macorini and C.A.Ratti [speaker], "Wrapping corrections beyond the sl(2) sector in N=4 SYM," 17th European Workshop on String Theory 2011 5-9 Sep 2011. Padua, Italy
  5. P. Bernardini for the ARGO-YBJ Collaboration "Cosmic Rays in TeV Region with the ARGO-YBJ Experiment", relazione su invito a "Les Rencontres de Physique de la Vallee d'Aoste", La Thuile (2011), Nuovo Cimento C 35 (2012) 75-82
  6. A. Blanco: "Spectroscopy studies of bioinduced carbonates and the search for life on Mars" EPSC  2012 Madrid (Spain), September 23-28, 2012
  7. A. Blanco: "A method for detecting  possible Martian biocarbonates: application to terrestrial microbialites" 3rd Conference on Terrestrial Mars Analogues Marrakesh (Morocco), October 25-27, 2012
  8. G. Buccolieri, A. Castellano, A. Congedo, A. Buccolieri, V. Nassisi, R. Cataldo, M.A. Gorgoglione, N. Ciccarese, D. Delle Side, L. Velardi, “Misure di radioattivitā naturale nel sito preistorico di Grotta dei Cervi in Porto Badisco (LE)”, III0 Workshop Plasmi Sorgenti Biofisica e Applicazioni – PSBA2012, 19 ottobre 2012, Lecce, Italia.
  9. G. Calvaruso: "Four-dimensional homogeneous Lorentzian manifolds", PADGE 2012, Lovanio (Belgio) August 27-30, 2012
  10. M. Carriero: "Image Inpainting via Dirichlet Problems with Free Discontinuities",Convegno Internazionale ``Variational Problems with  Multiple Scales'',  Otranto, June 6-8, 2012
  11. G Cataldi, M R Coluccia, P Creti, I De Mitri, D Martello, L Perrone  et al. "The AMY experiment to measure GHz radiation for Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Ray detection" 23rd European Cosmic Ray Symposium- Moscow July 3-7, 2012.
  12. R. Cataldo. Microclimatic assessment and modeling for salt crystallization control. International Congress on Conservation of Cultural Heritage.Santiago de Compostela, 2- 5/10/2012.
  13. O. Cavalieri, M. R. Perrone, F. De Tomasi, G. P. Gobbi, "Three Wavelengths Lidar Measurements For Atmospheric Aerosol Characterization", Proceedings Of The 9Th International Symposium On Tropospheric Profiling, L'Aquila, Italy, September 3-7 2012,
  14. A.M.Cherubini (with R.Corrado and C. Pennetta), Looking for early-warning signals of transition to desertification in arid ecosystems, GNFM Conference 2012, Montecatini Terme, October 2012
  15. A.M.Cherubini (with R.Corrado and C. Pennetta), A study of early-warning signals of transition to desertification, Workshop on Critical Transitions in Complex Systems, Imperial College, London,  March 2012
  16. G. Chiodini ATLAS RPC time-of-ight performance. Proceeding of XI Workshop on Resistive Plate Chambers and Related Detectors (RPC2012) Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati INFN - Frascati - Italy, 5-10 February, 2012.
  17. G. Chiodini, G. Fiore, R. Perrino, C. Pinto, S. Spagnolo, et al. Diamond Detector Response to Alpha Particles in 1.8 T B field. Meeting RD42 collaboration (Development of Diamond Tracking Detectors for High Luminosity Experiments at the LHC). CERN (Switzerland) 16-17 March 2012.
  18. G. Chiodini. Invited Talk. Radiation detectors based on synthetic diamond Incontri di Fisica delle Alte Energie (IFAE2012). Universitā di Ferrara, 11-13 Aprile 2012.
  19. G. Chiodini, G. Fiore, R. Perrino, C. Pinto, S. Spagnolo, et al. 30 ps Timing of 8 TeV protons with Diamond Detectors. Meeting RD42 collaboration (Development of Diamond Tracking Detectors for High Luminosity Experiments at the LHC). Rutgers University (USA) 19-20 October 2012
  20. G. Chiodini, G. Fiore, R. Perrino, C. Pinto, S. Spagnolo, C. Tuve' et al. Radiation Damage pf Polycrystalline Diamond Exposed to 62 MeV Protons. Meeting RD42 collaboration (Development of Diamond Tracking Detectors for High  Luminosity Experiments at the LHC). Rutgers University (USA) 19-20 October 2012.
  21. G. Chiodini. R&D sul Diamante in ambito INFN. Relazione in Commissione Trasferimento Tecnologico del INFN. Frascati 17-12-2012.
  22. G.P. Cirrone, C. De Martinis, D. Delle Side, A. Fazzi, D. Giove, P. Londrillo, M. Maggiore, V. Nassisi, G. Turchetti, S. Sinigardi, M. Sumini, V. Varoli, L. Gizzi, D. Giulietti, T. Levato, L. Labate, O. Yuji, L. Velardi, “LILIA project: ion beams for hadron therapy”, III0 Workshop Plasmi Sorgenti Biofisica e Applicazioni – PSBA2012, 19 ottobre 2012, Lecce, Italia, (contributo orale).
  23. P. D. Cozzoli: “Colloidal heterostructured Nanocrystals”, International Conference and Workshop On Nanostructured Ceramics and other Nanomaterials (ICWNCN), University of Dehli, Dehli, India, March 13-16, 2012
  24. P. D. Cozzoli: “Development of Advanced Colloidal Nanocrystals: Crystal Structure, Size, Shape and Topology Control”, Department of Chemistry, National University of Singapore, Singapore, July 4, 2012
  25. P. D. Cozzoli: “Colloidal Heterostructured Nanocrystals”,  ICYRAM (International Conference of Young Researchers) 2012, Singapore, July 1-6, 2012
  26. P. D. Cozzoli “Colloidal Heterostructured Nanocrystals: Synthesis, Growth Mechanisms and Properties”, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China, November 28, 2012
  27. P. D. Cozzoli “Colloidal Heterostructured Nanocrystals: Synthesis, Growth Mechanisms and Properties”, Department of Chemistry, Tsinghua University, China, December 04, 2012
  28. P. D. Cozzoli “Development of Advanced Colloidal Nanocrystals: Size, Shape and Topology Control”, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China, December 05, 2012
  29. M. D'Elia: "(Ri)cercando la vita su Marte" Festival dello spazio 2012, Bari, 15 Aprile 2012
  30. M. D'Elia: "Tutti i colori della luce" Festival dello spazio 2012, Bari, 15 Aprile 2012
  31. M. D'Elia: "Spettroscopy of biocarbonates and the search for life on Mars" XCVIII Congresso Nazionale della Societā Italiana di Fisica   Napoli, 17-21 Settembre 2012
  32. Delle Side D., Nassisi V., Troisio C., Velardi L., Alifano P., Talā A., Tredici S.M., “Applicazione di campi elettromagnetici RF per indurre stress su colonie di batteri bioluminescenti”, XCVIII CONGRESSO NAZIONALE SIF, Napoli, 17-21 settembre, 2012, (contributo orale) ISBN: 978-88-7438-073-2.
  33. D. Delle Side, V. Nassisi, L. Velardi, ”Protons production by solid hydrogenated targets via excimer laser ablation”, III0 Workshop Plasmi Sorgenti Biofisica e Applicazioni – PSBA2012, 19 ottobre 2012,Lecce, Italia,
  34. I. De Mitri for the ARGO-YBJ Collaboration "Highlights from the ARGO-YBJ experiment"  TAUP 2011: 12th International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics Munich, Germany, September 5-9, 2011.
  35. I. De Mitri for the Pierre Auger Collaboration, "Results from the Pierre Auger Observatory", 13th Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General relativity - MG13, Stockholm, july 1-7, 2012
  36. De Mitri et al. "The CORAM (COsmic Ray Mission) outreach program: cosmic rays measurements at high altitude" Comunicare Fisica 2012 Torino, october 8-12, 2012
  37. F. De Paolis: "Searching for dark baryons in galaxies. Invited talk at the International Workshop on recent LHC results and related topics, Tirana, Albania 8-9 October 2012
  38. F. De Paolis: "Possible evidence of the M31 halo rotation in WMAP data. Thirteen Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, Stockholm, Sweden 1-7 July 2012
  39. S. Fonti:  "Lecce laboratory: spectroscopy of solid materials" VIRTIS Science Teem Meeting #5, Berlin-Adlershof, 26-28 June 2012
  40. S. Fonti: "Optical Head: Part I Introduction" VIRHIS-JUICE meeting, Florence, 7 September 2012
  41. S. Fonti: "Continuing developments in the search for the Martian atmospheric methane" AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA, 3-7 December 2012
  42. Claudio Garola, "Embedding QM into a Broader Non-contextual Theory: The ESR Model" and "Recent Developments in the ESR Model", in International Symposium on Quantum Information and Quantum Logic, Department of Mathematics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou (China), August 10-13, 2012 (invited talks).
  43. Claudio Garola, "Quantum Probabilities: Conditional or Absolute?", in Toward a Probabilistic Representation of the World, Luino (Italy), September 20-21 (invited talk)
  44. Claudio Garola, "Logica Quantistica e Logica Classica: č possibile la Coesistenza Pacifica?", in XV Scuola Estiva di Filosofia della Fisica, Cesena (Italy), September 19-24, 2012 (invited lesson).
  45. M. Gianfreda,  "C-operators in PT-symmetric quantum theories";  workshop Many-body Open Quantum Systems: From Atomic Nuclei to Quantum Optics, 24-28 Settembre 2012, ECT Trento.
  46. M. Gianfreda,  "Nonuniqueness of the C-operator in PT-symmetric quantum mechanics"; workshop PHHQP XI: Non Hermitian Operators in Quantum Physics,  27-31 Agosto 2012, Parigi.
  47. M. Gianfreda, "Matrix representation of the time operator"  workshop Shortcuts to Adiabaticity (STA),16-21 Luglio 2012, Bilbao
  48. G.Gigli: “Playing with Microcavities”,European Optical Society Conference (EOSAM 2012), Exhibition and  Conference CentreAberdeen (UK), 25-28 September 2012
  49. G.Gigli:“Hybrid Nanotechnologies for Biomolecular applications” University of Jilin, PhD School in Physics, Chengchun (Cina).26-30 November 2012
  50. L. Girlanda, "Subleading three-nucleon contact interaction", talk at "Sixth International Conference on Quarks and Nuclear Physics", Ecole Polytechnique, April 16-20, 2012, Palaiseau, France.
  51. L. Girlanda, "Nuclear electromagnetic charge and current operators in ChEFT", invited plenary talk at "The 7th International Workshop on Chiral Dynamics", Jefferson Lab, August 6-10, 2012, NewportNews, Va, USA.
  52. L. Girlanda, "Teoria moderna delle forze nucleari", invited talk at "Incontro Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare 2012",
    Laboratori NAzionali del Sud, November 12-14, 2012, Catania, Italy.
  53. L. Girlanda: Progetto Ponte: "La relativita' da Galileo ad Einstein" Liceo Statale "don Quirico Punzi" Cisternino (Br), Aprile-Maggio 2012.
  54. B. G. Konopelchenko:"Gradient catastrophe and and flutter  in vortex filament dynamics" International School/Workshop on Dispersive Shocks ,March 18-24, 2012, S.I.S.S.A., Trieste, Italy
  55. B. G. Konopelchenko:"Quasi-clasical approximation in vortex filament dynamics" International Workshop and Advance School on Varionational Methods in N-body and Vortex Dynamics, May 28 - June 8,Lecce, Italy.
  56. B. G. Konopelchenko:"Gradient catastrophe and flutter in vortex filament dynamics" VI-th international conference " Solitons, collapses and turbulence:achievements, developments and perspectives". June 4-8,2012, Novosibirsk, Russia
  57. B. G. Konopelchenko:" Flutter and gradient catastrophe for vortex filament dynamics with axial flow"Congresso Nazionale SIMAI, 2012, June 25-28, Turin, Italy.
  58. B. G. Konopelchenko:"Flutter type instability and gradient catastrophe in vortex filament dynamics"Workshop " Nonlinear evolution equations and dynamical systems (NEEDS), 2012, July 8-15, 2012, Kolymbari, Crete, Greece.
  59. A. Leaci:  "Image Inpainting by Variational Methods", 58th Course: Variational Analysis and Applications,  Erice, Centro E.Maiorana, May 14-22, 2012.
  60. F. Mancarella: "The Martian Methane Between TES and PFS" NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA,  April 24, 2012
  61. F. Mancarella: "Laboratory spectral measurements of particulate samples of pyroxenes and olivines and related planetological studies" Nordic-Hawai'i Summer School - Water, Ice and the Origin of Life in the Universe, Iceland, July 1-15, 2012
  62. G. Marsella, for the ARGO-YBJ Collaboration, "Recent results from the ARGO-YBJ Experiment", XIIIth ICATPP Conference, Villa Olmo, 3-7 October 2011
  63. D. Martello: IFAE 2012 Incontri di Fisica delle Alte Energie Ferrara 11-13 Aprile 2012. "Air Microwave Yield (AMY): An experiment for measuring the GHz emission from air shower plasma"
  64. L. Martina: "Vortices and waves in the Skyrme - Faddeev model",  Workshop on Variational Methods in N-Body and Vortex Dynamics, Lecce 7/06/2012
  65. G. Maruccio, "Molecule-nanoparticle hybrids for electronic and sensing applications", Workshop “Surfaces, INterfaces and Functionalization Processes in Organic Compounds and Applications”, (SINFO, IMEM – CNR Institute, Parco Area delle Scienze 37/a – Parma (Italy), 20-22 June 2012)
  66. G. Maruccio, "Nanoscale spin-devices based on magnetic nanoparticles and molecules", International Conference on Nanoscience + Technology 2012 (Paris, France, 23-27 July 2012).
  67. Vincenzo Nassisi, Pietro Alifano, Domenico Delle Side, Adelfia Talā, Salvatore Maurizio Tredici and Luciano Velardi, “Enhancing antibacterial properties of UHMWPE via ion implantation”, Congresso Nazionale Biomateriali – SIB 2012 -, 18-20 Giugno 2012, Lecce, Italy
  68. Nassisi V., Delle Side D., Velardi L., Accoto G., Gerardi R., De Martinis C., Giove D., “Novel Faraday cup for fast ion beams generated from a LIS source”, XCVIII CONGRESSO NAZIONALE SIF, Napoli, 17-21 settembre, 2012, ISBN: 978-88-7438-073-2.16.  
  69. Vincenzo Nassisi, Domenico Delle Side, Luciano Velardi, Pietro Alifano, Adelfia Tala’, Salvatore Maurizio Tredici, “Enhancing antibacterial properties of UHMWPE via ion implantation”, 65th Gaseous Electronics Conference, October 22–26, 2012, Austin, Texas.
  70. V. Nassisi, D. Delle Side, L Velardi, G. Buccolieri, G. Accoto, G. Gerardi, J. Krasa, “Preliminary study of novel Faraday cup for fast ion beams generated from a LIS source”, III0 Workshop Plasmi Sorgenti Biofisica e Applicazioni – PSBA2012, Lecce, Italia, (contributo orale).
  71. V. Nassisi, P. Alifano, D. Delle Side, A. Talā, S.M. Tredici, L. Velardi, “Antibacterial properties of Titanium implanted UHMWPE samples”, III0 Workshop Plasmi Sorgenti Biofisica e Applicazioni – PSBA2012, 19 ottobre 2012, Lecce, Italia, (contributo orale).
  72. V. Nassisi, D. Delle Side, L. Velardi, G. Buccolieri, F. Paladini, D. Giove, C. De Martinis, A. Fazzi, “High voltage pulse of short duration to feed a solenoid for intense ion beam transport”, III0 Workshop Plasmi Sorgenti Biofisica e Applicazioni – PSBA2012, 19 ottobre 2012, Lecce, Italia, (contributo orale).
  73. A.A.Nucita: Polarization profiles for selected microlensig events towards the galactic bulge, Marcel Grosmann Meeting XIII, Stoccolma, Svezia, 1-7 luglio 2012
  74. A.A.Nucita: The high energy view of the globular cluster NGC 6388: is an intermediate mass black hole out there? Marcel Grosmann Meeting XIII, Stoccolma, Svezia, 1-7 luglio 2012
  75. A.A.Nucita: High energy and optical observation of 1RXS J180431.1-273932: clues on the source nature Marcel Grosmann Meeting XIII, Stoccolma, Svezia, 1-7 luglio 2012
  76. N. Orlando, "Z+b(b) in ATLAS",  Workshop Fisica ATLAS Italia (23-24 October 2012 Lecce).
  77. D. Pallara: Degenerate elliptic and parabolic operators, Discrete Random Structures, Representation Theory and Interacting Particle Systems,Biefefeld, 16-20 July, 2012
  78. D. Pallara: Bounded variation functions in Hilbert spaces and related semigroups, Variational methods for evolving objects, 30 July, 3 August, 2012.
  79. D. Pallara: Sets of finite perimeter in Wiener spaces, ERC Workshop on Geometric Partial Differential Equations, Pisa, Centro De Giorgi, 10-14 September 2012.
  80. F. Paparella: "Geometry of Stationary Solutions for a System of Vortex Filaments: A Dynamical Approach", Workshop On "Variational Methods In N-Body and Vortex Dynamics", University of Salento, Lecce, May 28 - June 8, 2012.
  81. F. Paparella: "Climate Change Threatens Coexistence within Communities of Mediterranean Forested Wetlands", IUGG Conference on Mathematical Geophysics, Edinburgh, June 18-22, 2012.
  82. F. Paparella: "Finger clustering leads to staircases", Wokshop on "Double Diffusive Systems", University of California, Santa Cruz,
    August 27-29, 2012.
  83. F. Paparella: "Beyond Allometric Scalings: Resource Ingestion Rates Under Limiting Conditions", XXII Congresso Societā Italiana di Ecologia, Alessandria, 10-13 Settembre 2012.
  84. F. Paparella: "A Mathematical Model of Coexistence within Communities of Mediterranean Forested Wetlands", Assemblea Scientifica GNFM 2012, Montecatini Terme, 4-6 Ottobre 2012.
  85. C. Pennetta (invited talk)  in collaboration with: R. Corrado, A. M. Cherubini, Time fluctuations of vegetation patterns and desertification transition, International Conference on Unsolved Problems on Noise and Fluctuations in Physics, Biology & High Technology (UPoN 2012), March 20-24 2012, Kolkata (India)
  86. C. Pennetta (talk)  in collaboration with L. Palatella, Analysis of time statistics of extreme variations of heart beat fluctuations, III° Workshop Plasmi Sorgenti Biofisica ed Applicazioni, 19 October 2012,Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica "Ennio De Giorgi, Lecce. 
  87. L. Perrone: "UHECR Physics - Results from the Pierre Auger Observatory" International Symposium on Very High Energy Cosmic Ray Interactions (ISVECHRI 2012) Berlin (Germany) - 10-15 Agosto 2012 Relazione su invito 
  88. L. Perrone: "Recent results from the Pierre Auger Observatory" L. Perrone for the Pierre Auger Collaboration "4th Workshop on Air Shower Detection at high altitude" Napoli - 31 Gennaio / 1 Febbraio  2013
  89. M. Popolizio: "Adaptive updating techniques for the approximation of functions of large matrices”, Workshop “Structural Dynamical Systems: Computational Aspects - SDS2012”, 12-15 June 2012, Hotel-Villaggio Porto Giardino, Capitolo (Ba), Italy
  90. B. Prinari: talk at the Analysis Seminars - University of Reading, UK (23 Novembre 2012)
  91. B. Prinari: talk at Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Dynamical Systems - Kolymbari, Greece (8-15 Luglio 2012)
  92. B. Prinari: mini-symposium talk at the 2012 SIMAI bi-annual congress - Torino, Italy (25-28 Giugno 2012)
  93. B. Prinari: mini-symposium talk at the SIAM conference on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures - Seattle, WA (13-16 Giungo 2012)
  94. B. Prinari: talk at the ICMS workshop "Boundary value problems for linear elliptical and integrable PDEs" - Edinburgh, UK (28 Maggio - 1 Giugno 2012)
  95. B. Prinari: talk at the International School/Workshop on Dispersive Shock Waves - Trieste, Italy (18-24 Marzo 2012)
  96. Arcangelo Rossi, "La Tradizione Fisico-matematica Salentina tra '800 e '900", in SIF, Napoli (Italy), September 7, 2012 (invited talk).
  97. Arcangelo Rossi, "La Storia e Filosofia dell'Intelligenza Artificiale", in ICEPHY XV Summer School, Cesena: La Natura dell'Artificiale, Cesena (Italy), September 15-18, 2012 (invited talk). 
  98. Arcangelo Rossi, "Developments of English Science and Scientific Popularization between '700 and '800", in SISFA Annual (XXXII) Conference, Sapienza University of Rome (Italy), September 27-29, 2012.
  99. C. Sempi:  “How many Archimedean copulae are there?” IPMU 2012, Catania, 13 luglio 2012
  100. I. Sgura, " Numerical approximation of non-smooth BVPs describing the deformation of fiber-reinforced materials", MMBAST Prin
    Project Meeting Milano 20-22 February 2012
  101. I. Sgura(by invitation), " "Numerical approximation of Turing patterns in a reaction-diffusion model for metal growth", ICNPAA
    2012, Vienna University of Technology, July 10-14, 2012
  102. Sandro Sozzo, "Quantum Model Theory (QMod): Fundamentals", in Sixth International Symposium on Quantum Interaction, Paris (France), June 26-29, 2012 (talk).
  103. Sandro Sozzo, "Quantum Model Theory (QMod): Applications", in Sixth International Symposium on Quantum Interaction, Paris (France), June 26-29, 2012 (talk).
  104. Sandro Sozzo, "A Quantum Model for Concept Combination in Human Thought", in International Interdisciplinary Workshop in `Quantum Cognition', Filzbach (Switzerland), July 8-11, 2012 (invited seminar).
  105. Sandro Sozzo, "Quantum Model Theory (QMod)", in 11th Biennial IQSA Meeting on Quantum Structures. Cagliari 2012, Cagliari (Italy), July 23-27, 2012 (talk).
  106. Sandro Sozzo, "Quantum Modeling Ambiguity in Economics", in 11th Biennial IQSA Meeting on Quantum Structures. Cagliari 2012, Cagliari (Italy), July 23-27, 2012 (talk).
  107.  Sandro Sozzo, "Quantum Interference in Cognition and the Structure of the Brain", in Sixth International Conference on Quantum, Nano and Micro Technologies, Rome (Italy), August 19-24, 2012 (talk).
  108. C. Spina: “Elliptic operators with unbounded diffusion coefficients”,11-15 Giugno 2012 “8th Euro-Maghrebian workshop on Evolution Equations ”, Lecce, Italia
  109. L. Velardi, D. Delle Side, M. De Marco, V. Nassisi, "Emittance characterization of ion beams provided by Platone Accelerator”, III° Workshop Plasmi Sorgenti Biofisica e Applicazioni – PSBA2012, 19 ottobre 2012, Lecce, Italia, (oral presentation)
  110. R. Vitolo: "On the geometry of differential operators related to integrability of PDEs and their symbolic computation." Annual Meeting of the Gruppo Nazionale di Fisica matematica of the Instituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica, http://www.altamatematica.it

  1. O. Cavalieri, M.R Perrone, F. De Tomasi, "Aerosol Characterization Over Southeastern Italy ByMulti-Wavelength Lidar Measurements." , Reviewed And Revised Papers Presented At The 26Th International, Laser Radar Conference (ILRC 2012) 25-29 June 2012 Porto Heli, Greece, pp 533--537, 2012
  2. A. Coluccia et al. "CORAM (COsmic RAy Mission): an outreach program one century after Pacini and Hess works" SciNeGHE 2012: Science with the New Generation of High Energy gamma-ray experiments Lecce, june 20-22, 2012
  3. R. Corrado in collaboration with: A. M. Cherubini, C. Pennetta, Time fluctuations of vegetation patterns and desertification transition in semi-arid ecosystems, Int. Conf. Planet Under Pression, March 26-29, 2012, London (UK).
  4. M. Gianfreda et. al,  "Advanced methods for data reconstruction: Interpolation methods applied to a set of radiation data" workshop 2nd Scientific Day of the School of Science and Technology, 6 Giugno 2012, Universitā di Camerino
  5. M. Polizio: "The restarted shift-and-invert Krylov method for matrix functions”, Workshop “Structural Dynamical Systems: Computational Aspects - SDS2012”, 12-15 June 2012, Hotel-Villaggio Porto Giardino, Capitolo (Ba), Italy
G. Co', F. Paparella and D. Dell'Anna Editors